For us, sustainability is a sociopolitical and economic imperative. As a responsible company, FERI supports in particular the sustainable development goals defined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
In order to consistently embed and implement our sustainability strategy, we established the FERI SDG Office as a central competence center in 2019. It manages the individual, strategic consulting of sustainable investment solutions for our clients. To achieve sustainable economic success, we realize strategic investments in a customized, future-oriented and responsible investment strategy.
At the corporate level, we are also guided by the SDG. In our commitment to society and the environment, we focus in particular on five selected sustainability goals where we see our greatest opportunity to make an impact.
The aim of the FERI Sustainability Policy is to define a clear basic understanding, associated standards and goals, and to derive compliant courses of action and rules of conduct on the subject of sustainability. In addition to regulatory aspects, our sustainability approach is based on the concept of the SDG. Regulatory aspects and SDG are target-oriented factors for us when incorporating sustainability aspects and risks into investment decision-making processes and investment advisory activities.
FERI considers the principal adverse impact ("PAI") of its investment decisions on sustainability factors. FERI's consideration of PAI in investment decisions for assets under management depends on the type of target investment. Learn more here:
The 17 SDG and their 169 targets are a summary of the world's most pressing environmental, social, and economic issues; thus, they serve as a definitive list of key global sustainability ambitions.
For us, sustainability is an economic and sociopolitical imperative. The far-reaching measures of the "Sustainable Finance" initiatives of the German government and the EU will trigger a fundamental transformation of the financial industry. For FERI, this topic has been important for a long time and is now moving much more into the focus of our corporate orientation and activities.
Antje Biber, Head of SDG Office, describes (in German) the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and how FERI deals with sustainability.
Head of SDG Office
+49 (0) 6172 916-3148
Rathausplatz 8-10
D-61348 Bad Homburg
Rathausplatz 8-10
Bad Homburg